Toddy Cold Brew System

In 1964, as a chemical engineering graduate of Cornell, Todd Simpson developed and patented a cold brew system that, using regular coffee beans, creates a superior-tasting cup of steaming HOT coffee. And, with 67% LESS ACID than coffee made by conventional hot brew methods, it's easier on sensitive stomachs. The Toddy coffee maker extracts the coffee bean's true delicious flavor and eliminates much of the acidity, producing a bold, super-smooth coffee that can be served one cup at a time. The Toddy brewer is also ideal for making tea - served hot or over ice.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
TJ Etobicoke
Toddy Cold Brew

Cheap, simple to use and great tasting. I wanted to be able to create cold brew concentrate in a fairly decent size batch, so decided to give the Toddy system a go. A few considerations though for anyone wanting to buy 1) A full batch is 7 cups of water and 340g of coarse coffee - that's a whole (standard size) if you're hand grinding, it's a good work out, if you're on a bean budget, beware 2) you can use paper filters and/or their felt filter if you use finer grinds - i used felt only with coarse and didn't get any residue 3) it says the concentrate will stay fresh in the fridge for 2 weeks, I noticed a drop in flavour quality around day 7 and I think I got around 12 cups of coffee out of it with a ratio with water around their recommended quantities, perhaps a little stronger.